Set them up by a window that gets bright, indirect light. Too little light can result in leggy growth with lots of space in between the leaves. But too much light can cause many of the leaves to turn yellow at the same time.

Can grow in low to indirect light, but brighter light will encourage faster and fuller growth.
ZZ’s require excellent drainage, so when you repot use an all-purpose or tropical soil, and add in some perlite, or orchid bark, or sandy cactus soil. *Be gentle to the roots when repotting*
Fertilize once in spring, and once in summer with a ½ strength houseplant fertilizer. Or mix in slow release natural fertilizer such as worm castings (mix into the top 2 inches of soil).
Only water when the soil is completely dry. This plant prefers to go for long periods without water, and may rot if over-watered.
ZZ plants are slow growing, but can eventually reach a height of 2-5 feet.
Pet Friendly? No, ZZ is toxic, keep away from pets and curious children!
Pro tip! Let dry completely and then water really well (so that all of the soil is saturated), and then forget about it for a month!